Tools for
Smashwords Authors

Unofficial Marketing tools - widgets, readers and stores - created to display Smashwords books.


Multi Book Widget


This widget displays a selection of books from one author or publisher. By default the background is transparent so it should blend in with paler-coloured sites.

To Use:

The multi-book widget is available as an iframe. Use the code below, and replace YourAccountName with the Smashwords account name:

<iframe src="" name="SWDS_Square" id="SWDS_Square" width="250" height="250" scrolling="no" border=none style="border:none;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

To Change Colours

A screenshot of the alternate colour scheme

The widget above shows dark text on a light background. If you need to change the colours for your site e.g. if you have a black background, there is an additional parameter now available which calls an alternate colour scheme: &css=
Currently there is one available:

&css=dark An alternate palette with a dark background and light text to use on websites which are dark.

Add it to the end of the normal URL e.g.

<iframe src="" name="SWDS_Square" id="SWDS_Square" width="250" height="250" scrolling="no" border=none style="border:none;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

These are unofficial tools supplied for use by Smashwords users. No guarantees or responsibility are taken for their use. They may be withdrawn at our discretion.